Justice of the Peace: T. Clifford  Dunlop

T. Clifford Dunlop

Justice of the Peace

Hi there!  My husband and I own Hogan’s Cider Mill and The New England School of Golf in Burlington, CT.  I became a Justice of the Peace to officiate at an event at our venue called ‘Hitched at Hogan’s’ where we married eight couples whose wedding plans were affected by the pandemic.

It was an amazing experience to be part of such a joyful day, especially after what had been such a difficult year for so many of us.  I find tremendious meaning in being a part of such a life enriching event and sharing the happiness that it brings.

How to contact Justice T. Clifford

Please use the provided contact form below. If you contact this officiant directly, please let them know you found them on findaJP.com!

Send an email to Justice T. Clifford

To: [email protected]

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If it’s known already.

If it’s known already.

We were married here yesterday and I cannot say enough about how wonderful Theresa and the cider mill are!

Jessica Johnson