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Testimony opposing NH temporary officiants

JPus’ Loretta Jay testified before the New Hampshire House of Representatives Judiciary Committee today, opposing proposed legislation that would authorize temporary marriage officiants. Read the written testimony here.

MA Networking to be rescheduled

Unfortunately we have had to reschedule the networking event that was scheduled to take place in Waltham, Massachusetts. Stay tuned for new day and time. Our Connecticut networking event is still on for December 19th in Newington.

JPus Statement Responding to CT SB 396

THE ISSUE A new Bill was raised in Connecticut, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace Who May Serve as Marriage Officiants (SB 396), which would allow anyone to be a JP for a Day in the state. The CGA’s Judiciary Committee heard testimony on March 9, 2018 and JPus was there. Our statement to the Judiciary Committee is below. JPus RESPONDS with a STATEMENT TO THE CGA JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Related Links See all of JPus’ efforts to address the problems of amateur officiants All the nitty-gritty details of JPus’ successful effort to block Connecticut’s JP-for-a-Day bill JPus represents membership and Advocates on issues that […]

Make Sure your Wedding Ceremony Fits Your Circumstances!

How times change! Not so long ago, the idea of living together before marriage was socially unacceptable.  While some couples dared to try it, they dared not do so openly – for the judgment of society could be cruel.  Gay couples also were in jeopardy of social condemnation. In 2014, however, living together before marriage is the rule — the “new normal.”  And gay relationships too are becoming mainstream in the eyes of most Americans.  Often the old words and assumptions underlying the “traditional” wedding ceremony don’t work anymore and need to be updated. The outdated Victorian notions of the “virgin” bride and groom – and […]

I Love Small Weddings

I’ve married people in all sorts of places – from town halls to “posh” venues. Yet so often the weddings that move me deeply are the small, unassuming affairs. They are the kinds of weddings that I think about again and again, over a cup of coffee the next morning or the next year.  These lovely little weddings occur in the corner of someone’s living room in front of a china cabinet or in a back yard under a blossoming apple tree. The bride is always beautiful in a freshly ironed dress. The groom is always handsome in a freshly […]

Partners: Unchained At Last

JPus announces a new partnership with a national non-profit working to end child marriages. Unchained at Last is dedicated to creating social, policy and legal change to end forced and child marriage in America. It helps women and girls leave or avoid arranged/forced marriages and rebuild their lives. JPus recognizes the ethical dilemma marriage officiants would find themselves in if asked to perform a child marriage. Our members have clearly stated their opposition to child marriages. Read more.

Advertise with Us

Temporarily Closed is not currently accepting new advertisers. If you are a vendors (other than officiants) who provide products and services of interest to couples who are planning their wedding or other significant event and would like to know about future opportunities to purchase ad space on please write to us  or call (203) 255-7703 with any questions. Attention Wedding Officiants JPs and other marriage officiants require a JPus Membership to be featured on If you are a marriage officiant visit to learn more about the benefits of a Justice of the Peace Association Membership. Become […]

Become a Justice of the Peace in Connecticut

  The good news about becoming a JP in Connecticut is that there are no special requirements, no exams to take or fees to pay. Many people become a JP because they want to perform marriage ceremonies. They join the Justice of the Peace Association to receive professional development, network with other JPs, and get their profile listed on, where couples go to find their perfect officiant. How the Process Works People to Talk To  If you Belong to a Political Party If You are Unaffiliated The Process The state of Connecticut regulates the activities of JPs and determines how many […]

JP for a Day

In support of JPs, JPus opposed JP for a Day. The bill died in committee. In March 2018 a bill came before the Connecticut General Assembly’s (CGA) Judicial Committee to create a JP for a Day. JPus mobilized our membership and engaged with the Connecticut Town Clerk Association. As a result of our advocacy both submitted testimony opposing this legislation (SB-396). In addition to testifying before the Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2018, JPus submitted written testimony. We were successful, and the bill died in committee. Read all about the behind-the-scenes activity here. Related Links See all of JPus’ efforts to address the problems […]

Is A JP Right For You? Five Reasons To Say YES

So you are ready to select your wedding officiant and you are wondering if you should forgo the pomp and circumstance of a religious ceremony and choose a Justice of the Peace instead. But how do you know for sure if a JP wedding is right for you? To help you decide, take a look at the five most common reasons couples choose a JP as their wedding officiant. You want simple and quick. Finding a JP who can preside over a simple wedding at your town hall or local park for a modest fee is easy. If you wake up one morning with a […]

Zoom – Favorite Traditions

On June 16, 2021, members of the Justice of the Peace Association took advantage of the opportunity to talk with each other and exchange points of view. Discussion Included Some ceremonies that were discussed included the traditional ring ceremony. And candle and wine box ceremonies. Members related enjoying processes that engage the couple. Sand ceremonies were a fav, especially if children are involved since it gives them a way to be included. How much time officiants spend creating a ceremony. (JPus polled members on Facebook in 2019 and 69% spent three or more hours for a simple, in-town wedding.) Incorporating extra […]

HB295 before NH Senate Judiciary Committee

Following is the statement to the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee opposing bill HB295, which would have allowed a special marriage officiant in the state. The hearing was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. JPus’ managing member Loretta Jay testified opposing the legislation. In addition, JPus submitted a written statement with 40 NH members and JPs who also signed on. Read about the problems with this bill and what JPus did about it. Send JPus an email ([email protected]) letting us know that you are an ally. Be sure to include your hometown and we’ll keep you in the loop in case the […]

Your Wedding: The Beginning Of A Happy Marriage

Across all societies, the wedding ceremony is held as sacred. It links to the other momentous events of our life cycle – like birth and (yes) death – in significance. Most religions see the wedding as a rite by which two persons are joined and their destinies merged. The married couple becomes the new generation of family. So a wedding is both an outcome of one family unit and the beginning of another: a conversion that mirrors Nature. In the Jewish tradition, “the dawning wedding day heralds the happiest and holiest day of one’s life.” Catholics too see the wedding […]