Keep in mind that your wedding ceremony introduces the world to your love and your love to the world. In your new roles as “Mr and Mrs” or “Mrs and Mrs” or “Mr and Mr” you become a family that might increase and divide and increase again. So why not let the ceremony treat the love that brought you to this point as more than mere romance? When romantic love has grown up and been tested, it becomes bigger, believe it or not. It becomes where you are going – your path and your destination. It’s a road with all […]
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Zoom: Rescheduled Wedding Celebrations
Staying safe during the pandemic. It is easier with the support of fellow members. On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, JPus members got together on Zoom to catch up after a season of winter weddings. It was nice to reconnect with friends and to see new faces. Slowly, COVID restrictions are being lifted, gathering sizes are increasing and wedding venues are opening up. As couples plan postponed celebrations, officiants need to be prepared with strategies to guide ceremony decisions. Staying connected by Zoom is a membership benefit. Lively Discussion Performing marriages during the pandemic. It is easier with the support of fellow members. […]
JPus Statement Responding to CT SB 396
THE ISSUE A new Bill was raised in Connecticut, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace Who May Serve as Marriage Officiants (SB 396), which would allow anyone to be a JP for a Day in the state. The CGA’s Judiciary Committee heard testimony on March 9, 2018 and JPus was there. Our statement to the Judiciary Committee is below. JPus RESPONDS with a STATEMENT TO THE CGA JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Related Links See all of JPus’ efforts to address the problems of amateur officiants All the nitty-gritty details of JPus’ successful effort to block Connecticut’s JP-for-a-Day bill JPus represents membership and Advocates on issues that […]
Make Sure your Wedding Ceremony Fits Your Circumstances!
How times change! Not so long ago, the idea of living together before marriage was socially unacceptable. While some couples dared to try it, they dared not do so openly – for the judgment of society could be cruel. Gay couples also were in jeopardy of social condemnation. In 2014, however, living together before marriage is the rule — the “new normal.” And gay relationships too are becoming mainstream in the eyes of most Americans. Often the old words and assumptions underlying the “traditional” wedding ceremony don’t work anymore and need to be updated. The outdated Victorian notions of the “virgin” bride and groom – and […]
I Love Small Weddings
I’ve married people in all sorts of places – from town halls to “posh” venues. Yet so often the weddings that move me deeply are the small, unassuming affairs. They are the kinds of weddings that I think about again and again, over a cup of coffee the next morning or the next year. These lovely little weddings occur in the corner of someone’s living room in front of a china cabinet or in a back yard under a blossoming apple tree. The bride is always beautiful in a freshly ironed dress. The groom is always handsome in a freshly […]
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