Search Results for "NH-New/town/strafford/Farmington"

Massachusetts JPs

Looking for a Massachusetts wedding officiant? Visit to learn more about Massachusetts wedding laws and to search for a Justice of the Peace. Becoming a JP In Massachusetts, a justice of the peace is appointed by the Governor for a seven year term and confirmed by the Governors Council. Each city/town is allowed one justice for every 5000 residents. In addition to affirming marriages, JPs may take affirmations, oaths, and depositions. Sometimes they may call meetings. Here is a summary of duties. Applications may be obtained from the Governor’s Council. Non-residents, including JPs from other states, can marry people in […]

Unplugged Weddings

Capture the first kiss without photobombs

An unplugged ceremony is not about an acoustic guitar accompaniment – however lovely it would be. Having an unplugged wedding is a not-so-new trend. It means guests are asked to turn off all electronics. No texting. No posting to Instagram. And, no photos, either. Just. Be. Present. There are many reasons to ask wedding guests to put electronics away. Being present and focused on the special moment is certainly a worthwhile motivation. A no phones rule is one of the simplest ways to create an environment for all attendees to be mindful of the event. Encourage opportunities for your friends […]

Unchained At Last

Amplifying Voices The Justice of the Peace Association established a partnership with Unchained at Last, a non-profit dedicated to promoting social, policy and legal change to end forced and child marriage in America. Unchained at Last helps women and girls leave or avoid arranged/forced marriages and rebuild their lives. JPus recognizes the ethical dilemma marriage officiants would find themselves in if asked to perform a child marriage. Our members have clearly stated their opposition to child marriages. Child marriage is legal in all of the states that JPus operates in. Only two states (Delaware and New Jersey) have banned it. Unchained at […]

Letter: End child marriage in NH

When JPus learned about New Hampshire’s pending legislation (House Bill 378) which would end child marriage in the state, we got involved. Our membership made it clear that they do not want to officiate a marriage involving a minor child – so it is important that the legislature hears from us. On January 17, 2019 we submitted written testimony to the House’s Child and Family Law Committee.

Testimony opposing NH temporary officiants

JPus’ Loretta Jay testified before the New Hampshire House of Representatives Judiciary Committee today, opposing proposed legislation that would authorize temporary marriage officiants. Read the written testimony here.

MA One-Day Solemnizers

The Problem Justice of the Peace Association members have long decried the problem of the lay officiant. In Massachusetts the One-Day Solemnizer causes particular distress. The Governor’s office appoints both One-Dayers and JPs, but treats each differently. This puts professional JPs at a disadvantage. In response to a request from Governor Baker’s office, JPus submitted a white paper that identified four problems with the rule: The state treats lay and professional officiants differently and unfairly, to the detriment of JPs. Municipal town clerks complain that as many as 90% of One-Day Solemnizers made significant legal errors, doubling the amount of […]

JP Appointment Process White Paper

In response to many complaints from Connecticut JPs and Town Clerks, in 2022 the Justice of the Peace Association researched how civil marriage officiants are appointed in the state. Given that, the following white paper summarizes our findings and legislative recommendations. Related Links On March 10, 2023, JPus testified to the Connecticut Planning and Development Committee. See JPus’s survey results about officiant qualifications and appointments. See how JPus is advocating to address the problems with amateur officiants Learn about the JP and notary role, state-by-state We advocate on other marriage-related issues

MA Networking to be rescheduled

Unfortunately we have had to reschedule the networking event that was scheduled to take place in Waltham, Massachusetts. Stay tuned for new day and time. Our Connecticut networking event is still on for December 19th in Newington.

2023 Testimony to End Child Marriage in NH

The Justice of the Peace Association submitted written testimony in support of New Hampshire’s 2023 bill to end child marriage. Related Links Information about our advocacy and partnerships for officiants about child and forced marriage. Education and training for officiants about child and forced marriage JPus has been on the forefront of legislative activity to end child marriage in other states Follow our state-by-state changes to marriage laws How membership voted to join the Coalition to End Child Marriage Working with our partners amplifies our voice and helps achieve our goals

One-Day Rule: The Problem

The Problem Justice of the Peace Association members have long decried the problem of the lay officiant. In Massachusetts the One-Day Solemnizer causes particular distress. Problems include: The state treats lay and professional officiants differently and unfairly, to the detriment of JPs. Municipal town clerks complain that as many as 90% of One-Day Solemnizers made significant legal errors, doubling the amount of work they had to do. One-Day Solemnizers compromise the integrity of the marriage license and are “loose with the law”. Couples who use a One-Day Solemnizer may unwittingly jeopardize the validity of their marriage because important paperwork isn’t […]

Partners: Unchained At Last

JPus announces a new partnership with a national non-profit working to end child marriages. Unchained at Last is dedicated to creating social, policy and legal change to end forced and child marriage in America. It helps women and girls leave or avoid arranged/forced marriages and rebuild their lives. JPus recognizes the ethical dilemma marriage officiants would find themselves in if asked to perform a child marriage. Our members have clearly stated their opposition to child marriages. Read more.

I Do. Again and Again!

Are you a bride or groom having to choose whether to move forward with your wedding plans? Have you had to postpone and reconfigure?  If your answer is Yes, you’re not alone. Two Ceremonies Pandemic or not, couples have been celebrating their love and commitment more than once for a long time! In 1983, I got married in California. That is where I lived at the time. However, most of my family and friends were in New York. Want to know what we did?  We married twice! Two ceremonies, one on each coast. Double the fun, double the gifts, double […]

The Meaning of Your Flower Selection

How do you choose the flowers for your wedding bouquet: color, season, childhood favorite? Did you know that the flowers in your bouquet may be sending a certain message? Flowers have been used to symbolize certain traits, feelings, and meaning throughout time, showing up in such things as plays, mythology, and poems. Learning to speak the language of flowers can add a whole new dimension to your ceremony. How did the tradition of carrying bouquets get started? In the 15th century, wedding bouquets were carried by brides to ward off evil spirits. They were not made of flowers, but instead, […]