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Connecticut Post: 7/7/2008

For civil unions, justices of the peace can say ‘I won’t’ JPus member Sonia Osuna has performed many civil unions since they became legal in October 2005. Saul Haffner, President of JPus, does them too. But not all JPs do. The state of Connecticut allows JPs to decline to officiate if they are not comfortable with the same-sex ceremony. Read article here.

CT JP Appointments ~ Q&A

We’ve heard the complaints from JPs and Town Clerks about Connecticut’s JP appointment process and the lack of JP qualifications. As a result, last year the Justice of the Peace Association took action and performed extensive research. And then, last month we released our white paper with our findings. On Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 6PM, join me for a Zoom presentation and Q&A. We’ll talk about what we learned, what was done and what is next. This is an interactive session for JPs and Town Clerks. Q&A, March 30th at 6:00 PM The March 30, 2023 Q&A event has […]

Connecticut – End Child Marriage

The Justice of the Peace Association is strongly opposed to any marriage that involves minor children. The association’s membership is also opposed, stating that they would not perform such ceremonies. Connecticut is poised to ban child marriage in the state. We await the Governor’s signature on the bill that passed both the House and Senate. Legislative Activity 2023 State Representative Jillian Gilchrest introduced HB 6569, An Act Concerning the Minimum Age to Be Able to Marry, with bipartisan co-sponsors. JPus’ managing member Loretta Jay testified at the hearing before the Judiciary Committee on February 27, 2023. JPus submitted written testimony […]

JP for a Day

In support of JPs, JPus opposed JP for a Day. The bill died in committee. In March 2018 a bill came before the Connecticut General Assembly’s (CGA) Judicial Committee to create a JP for a Day. JPus mobilized our membership and engaged with the Connecticut Town Clerk Association. As a result of our advocacy both submitted testimony opposing this legislation (SB-396). In addition to testifying before the Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2018, JPus submitted written testimony. We were successful, and the bill died in committee. Read all about the behind-the-scenes activity here. Related Links See all of JPus’ efforts to address the problems […]

Holiday Networking Events

Make new connections and nurture opportunities! Get into the holiday spirit with your fellow JPs and town clerks. Save the date for our Holiday Networking Events: In Massachusetts: Wednesday December 12, 5-7:00pm at Bertucci’s in Waltham In Connecticut: Wednesday December 19, 5-7:00pm at Bertucci’s in Newington Getting together with our colleagues creates new opportunities and connections – and it’s fun! JPs, town clerks and other stakeholders are all invited to attend. Additional information will be announced soon.

CT Clerk Conference

Attention CT JPs! 9/13/2018 – JPus will have an information table at the Connecticut Town Clerk Association Conference. The conference will be held at Water’s Edge Resort, Westbrook, CT on September 13, 2018. Please join JPus to meet and greet the state’s town clerks and help explain the wonderful services that our JPs provide.

CT JP Appointments ~ Strategy Session

Brainstorming On October 10, 2023, Connecticut Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas met with JPus managing member Loretta Jay, State Representative Cristin McCarthy Vahey (Fairfield, Bridgeport) and SOTS chief of staff, Gabe Rosenberg to develop a strategy to professionalize the role of JPs in the state. Discussions focused on the importance of training, protecting vulnerable citizens and fairness of the appointment process. Potential partners were identified and marching orders established. Onward! Related Links Efforts to address problems with JP appointments in Connecticut Read JPus’ white paper, Civil Marriage Officiants in Connecticut: Solutions to Unburden the JP Appointment Process See JPus’s survey results about officiant […]

CT Ends Child Marriage!

Ninth State in the US It is fitting that after championing an end to child marriage in Connecticut, Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz was the one who signed the bill that protects children from marriage before they have legal protections. The Justice of the Peace Association is thrilled that its managing member, Loretta Jay, was invited to partake in the momentous occasion. This is an important recognition that our membership’s voice was heard, standing together, professional marriage officiants.   Related Links See JPus’ legislative activity to end child marriage in Connecticut Watch our online panel discussion with Connecticut leaders about child […]

JP Appointment Process White Paper

In response to many complaints from Connecticut JPs and Town Clerks, in 2022 the Justice of the Peace Association researched how civil marriage officiants are appointed in the state. Given that, the following white paper summarizes our findings and legislative recommendations. Related Links On March 10, 2023, JPus testified to the Connecticut Planning and Development Committee. See JPus’s survey results about officiant qualifications and appointments. See how JPus is advocating to address the problems with amateur officiants Learn about the JP and notary role, state-by-state We advocate on other marriage-related issues

JPus Testimony Supporting HB6569

  On February 27, 2023, the Joint Committee on Judiciary heard testimony on HB6569, Connecticut’s bill to end child marriage. JPus’ managing member, Loretta Jay, gave oral testimony and submitted this written testimony in support of the legislation. Related Links Legislative activity in Connecticut to end child marriage Information and a link to view JPus’ panel discussion about child marriage in Connecticut. Landing page for JPus activity involving child marriage in all of our states. Follow our state-by-state changes to marriage laws Education and training for officiants about child and forced marriage How membership voted to join the Coalition to End […]