Search Results for "NH-New%20Hampshire/town/belknap/Laconia"

4 Reasons to Consider a Wedding for Just the Two of You

Weddings represent a rite of passage in most of our lives. They represent a turning point and a new dream of the future. Why then – on such an important occasion – would you choose a ceremony just for the two of you (and the wedding officiant)? Here are the top four reasons why an intimate “just the two of you” wedding may be right for you. 1. A “just the two of you” wedding is affordable. Fancy weddings can cost tens of thousands of dollars and in today’s uncertain economy saving for future major expenses may make more sense than […]

Central Vermont

The five counties that make up central Vermont consist of the Green Mountains, rolling countrysides and peaceful lowlands along the Hudson River. Nestled in this area are charming quintessential New England towns. Lovely venues for local celebrations, as well as destination weddings so all your friends and family can partake. Unsure what is the right venue for you? Let your JP know what you are looking for, and he or she will likely have suggestions. Find a Wedding Officiant in Central Vermont Barre VT Cabot VT Chelsea VT Ferrisburg VT Killington VT Middlebury VT Montpelier VT Norwich VT Pittsfield VT Randolph […]

Testifying to the Judiciary Committee: March 9, 2018

Your voice counts! THE ISSUE A new Bill has been raised in Connecticut, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace Who May Serve as Marriage Officiants (SB 396), which would allow anyone to be a JP for a Day in the state. The Judiciary Committee needs to hear what you think about this proposed legislation.   WHERE TO TESTIFY The Judiciary Committee’s public hearing is on Friday, March 9, 2018 at 11:00 AM in Room 2E of the Legislative Office Building (LOB). The first hour of the hearing is usually reserved for Legislators, Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads and Chief Elected Municipal Officials. The Public will likely begin testifying around 12:00 […]

Oppose JP for a Day

Your voice counts! THE ISSUE In March 2018 a new Bill was raised in Connecticut, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace Who May Serve as Marriage Officiants (SB 396), which would allow anyone to be a JP for a Day in the state. Connecticut legislators need to hear from their constituents WHAT JPus IS DOING The Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on Friday, March 9, 2018 where JPus presented testimony opposing the legislation. We are also working with state Senators and Representatives, and talking with the Secretary of State’s Office, advocating to have the bill killed in committee. HOW TO SUBMIT TESTIMONY You may submit […]

Proposed language: NH Special Officiants

In talks about the problems with the New Hampshire special marriage officiant bill, Deputy Secretary of State Dave Scanlon asked JPus to submit alternative language for the bill. JPus’ proposed modification to the bill is below, in red. Proposed Language to Special Marriage Officiant bill Related Links Read JPus’ testimony to the NH House Judiciary Committee JPus submitted fiscally focused testimony to the Ways and Means Committee Learn about the problems with amateur marriage officiants here See JPus’ written testimony opposing the 2019 bill. Read all about the behind-the-scenes details of what happened during the 2019 spring legislative session. JPus’ […]

Don’t Let Language be a Barrier

Bilingual ceremonies

Recently, I officiated the wedding of a bride from New Hampshire and a groom from Paris. He spoke English with a charming French accent. But his family, flying over for the festivities, did not. The couple requested a bilingual ceremony, but I do not speak a word of French. What was I going to do?These days, this isn’t an unusual dilemma. As our world grows smaller and more interconnected, cross-cultural weddings have become much more commonplace. These types of ceremonies serve not only to join the couple in marriage, but also to merge two cultures and languages. You can get […]

NH Special Marriage Officiant Bill – Judiciary Committee 2020

The Justice of the Peace Association submitted this written statement to the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee opposing HB 1599, An Act Establishing a Special Marriage Officiant License. Additional information about the bill and JPus’ activity is below in Related Links. Related Links Learn about the problems with amateur marriage officiants here JPus submitted alternative language to HB 1599 to address the problems with the bill Read the text of HB 1599 here. See JPus’ written testimony opposing the 2019 NH bill. Read all about the behind-the-scenes details of what happened during the 2019 spring legislative session. JPus’ white paper about temporary […]

Ideas for a Ceremony of Gravitas

Keep in mind that your wedding ceremony introduces the world to your love and your love to the world. In your new roles as “Mr and Mrs” or “Mrs and Mrs” or “Mr and Mr” you become a family that might increase and divide and increase again. So why not let the ceremony treat the love that brought you to this point as more than mere romance? When romantic love has grown up and been tested, it becomes bigger, believe it or not. It becomes where you are going – your path and your destination. It’s a road with all […]

Zoom: Rescheduled Wedding Celebrations

Staying safe during the pandemic. It is easier with the support of fellow members. On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, JPus members got together on Zoom to catch up after a season of winter weddings. It was nice to reconnect with friends and to see new faces. Slowly, COVID restrictions are being lifted, gathering sizes are increasing and wedding venues are opening up. As couples plan postponed celebrations, officiants need to be prepared with strategies to guide ceremony decisions. Staying connected by Zoom is a membership benefit. Lively Discussion Performing marriages during the pandemic. It is easier with the support of fellow members. […]

About Massachusetts JPs

Looking for a Massachusetts wedding officiant? Visit to learn more about Massachusetts wedding laws and to search for a Justice of the Peace. Are you a Massachusetts JP? See the state’s summary of duties for commissioned JPs Learn more about the benefits of a JPus membership. Becoming a JP In Massachusetts, a justice of the peace is appointed by the Governor for a seven year term and confirmed by the Governors Council. Each city/town is allowed one justice for every 5000 residents. In addition to affirming marriages, JPs may take affirmations, oaths, and depositions. Sometimes they may call meetings. Applications […]

The Rainbow Logo

One of the most meaningful wedding ceremonies I have performed as a New Hampshire Justice of the Peace was on Loon Mountain in September, with a panorama of the White Mountains before us. Rather than that priceless vista, however, it was the couple and our special connection that made it memorable. It all started when they came across a picture of me standing in front of a rainbow flag. The two women had wanted to be married for years but were stymied by the laws of their home state, North Carolina. When the US Congress repealed the infamous DOMA, the […]

Zoom – Favorite Traditions

On June 16, 2021, members of the Justice of the Peace Association took advantage of the opportunity to talk with each other and exchange points of view. Discussion Included Some ceremonies that were discussed included the traditional ring ceremony. And candle and wine box ceremonies. Members related enjoying processes that engage the couple. Sand ceremonies were a fav, especially if children are involved since it gives them a way to be included. How much time officiants spend creating a ceremony. (JPus polled members on Facebook in 2019 and 69% spent three or more hours for a simple, in-town wedding.) Incorporating extra […]

HB295 before NH Senate Judiciary Committee

Following is the statement to the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee opposing bill HB295, which would have allowed a special marriage officiant in the state. The hearing was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. JPus’ managing member Loretta Jay testified opposing the legislation. In addition, JPus submitted a written statement with 40 NH members and JPs who also signed on. Read about the problems with this bill and what JPus did about it. Send JPus an email ([email protected]) letting us know that you are an ally. Be sure to include your hometown and we’ll keep you in the loop in case the […]