Quiz Yourself to Find the Right Ceremony Tone

Quiz yourself to determine the right tone for your ceremony

In a conversation with your officiant, you might be asked what you’d like the tone of your ceremony to be. Your JP wants your ceremony to reflect you as a couple — your values, beliefs, passions, and style. How would your ceremony feel overall if it were to express the essence of both of you?

If you’re not quite sure how to answer that question, take the following quiz. Add up your answers at the end to find out what tone of ceremony might be right for you.

Which of these venues is where you’d most like to be married?

A. Amusement park
B. Church
C. Courtyard garden
D. Beach
E. Town Hall

What would you rather wear to your wedding?

A. Casual sun dress with a wreath of flowers in your hair
B. Your mother’s wedding dress and veil
C. Off the shoulder gown with a tulle and diamond hairpiece
D. Linen dress with a head piece of feathers, flowers, or shells
E. Pantsuit with simple hair clip

Which of these words would you like to have read?

A. “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss
B. “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. … Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13, The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
C. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts, and brings peace to our minds.” The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks
D. “Now you will feel no storms, for each of you will be shelter to the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.” Apache Wedding Prayer
E. “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.” The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Which of these rituals would you most like in your ceremony?

A. Sand ceremony using primary colors
B. Unity Candle on an altar or table
C. Dove release
D. Tree planting
E. No rituals, just vows and a pronouncement

Now, let’s take a look at the results. Count the number of answers with the letters A, B, C, D, and Es.

More A’s
If you selected more letter A choices, you may be looking for a fun and playful ceremony. Do you love to make snow angels? Does your ideal vacation include a Ferris Wheel? Do your friends say you guys are a blast to hang out with? A playful tone to your ceremony will bring out your inner child.

More B’s
Were most of your selections from the letter B options? Maybe you’re a traditionalist with a deep religious conviction. Is it important to feel God’s presence in your service? A religious tone will bring the spiritual elements you need to reflect your values and beliefs.

More C’s
If you had more C answers, you may be a romantic at heart. Perhaps you have always dreamed of this day, waiting for your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet. A romantic fairytale tone will make your dreams come true.

More D’s
The letter D answers indicate you may have a love of nature. Do you love to camp, laying out under the stars? Do you feel as though the seacoast is your sanctuary? Nature-inspired is the tone that will ground you on your special day.

More E’s
More answers from this category may indicate that you’re looking for a ceremony that holds its own without a lot of fuss. Perhaps true love is defined by the act of a legal commitment itself, and a pronouncement from the officiant is all that’s needed to do the job. A pure and simple tone may be for you.

Last words
Don’t worry if your answers came from almost all the categories or none at all! There are no rules. It’s okay to have more than one ‘tone,’ i.e, fun and romantic, spiritual and nature-inspired. But if you really have no idea, try asking the people who know you best to tell you how they see you. What words would they use to describe you? An outside perspective may help.

If you’re still not sure, keep talking with your officiant. That’s what we’re here for. It’s an honor to assist you in making this day the best day of your life, however you define it.

Find your perfect JP at findaJP.com

findajp blog author and Justice of the PeaceCindy Dumont is a Justice of the Peace in North Hampton, New Hampshire.

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