CT JP Legislation 2025

The Justice of the Peace Association has highlighted key points of HB7150, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace. In addition, the unauthenticated bill language, which was released on March 5, 2025, is below with key provisions relating to JPs that perform marriages highlighted.

Key Points of HB7150:

  • “Official misconduct” is defined. An investigation and consequences are established for misconduct.
  • JPs are liable for damages due to misconduct; Employers (not couples) are liable to persons and/or JPs for JP misconduct if it was at the employer’s direction.
  • JPs must pass a written exam
  • No one to use JP title to defraud; endorse something, or perform fraudulent marriage
  • Town Clerks may fill unaffiliated/minor political party vacancies at one time after the initial appointment process. (This is not sufficient and JPus encourages testimony to support Town Clerks’ ability to fill vacancies at any time.)
  • A working group to be established to examine and make recommendations on how many JPs in each town; serving in multiple municipalities; how JPs selected; training, qualifications, application process and background check; oversight; legal consequences for misrepresenting JP status; issues related to human trafficking, forced marriage and marriage fraud.

Unauthenticated Bill Language

An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace, HB7150

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