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NH Talking Points 2020

Your Voice Counts! HB1599, an Act establishing a special marriage officiant license, continues to make its way through the NH General Court. JPus created these talking points for JPs and town clerks to help guide conversations. It will take one-on-one conversations and emails to defeat this bill. Invite your friends and family members to get involved, and ask them to contact their legislators, too. Contact Your Senator If you don’t know who your Senator is, click here. We recommend personal connections with senators. This will help them hear how implementation of this bill will hurt New Hampshirites. Our goal is to help the […]

Resolve Action Alert

S.2063 Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight On September 22, 2021, JPus managing member Loretta Jay testified (51:25) at the Massachusetts Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight on S.2063, the Resolve to create a commission to evaluate the One Day Solemnizer rule. This hearing was in response to JPus’ members concerns, conveyed through JPus’ January 2019 white paper. JPus and the Town Clerk Association would be members of the Commission. Background: A summary of the problems with the One-Day Solemnizer rule and the Resolve’s legislative history is available. Action is needed now. To be successful we need Massachusetts […]

NH Special Marriage Officiants: What Happened 2019

In the spring of 2019, the Justice of the Peace Association persisted in its opposition to the New Hampshire House Bill 295-FN-A, an act establishing a special marriage officiant license. Despite the odds, the bill eventually died in conference. Following is what transpired. It was early January 2019 when New Hampshire Justice of the Peace Cynthia Dumont called JPus to alert us to HB 295-FN-A. This bill, if passed, would temporarily authorize an individual to solemnize a marriage in the state. JPus members in Massachusetts and Vermont made us aware of how amateur officiants have negatively impacted their business. The town clerks […]

Oppose Temporary Marriage Officiant in NH

Your Voice Counts! HOW TO SUBMIT TESTIMONY The New Hampshire legislature held public hearings about HB295-FN-A, an Act establishing a special marriage officiant license. JPus created this guide for JPs and town clerks, because the legislators needed to hear from stakeholders to get their perspective of this legislation. All the effort paid off, and the bill died without passing. Written Testimony You may submit written testimony by email to your own legislators so they are aware of your position. If you don’t know who your Senator is, click here. Please also send a copy of your testimony to JPus at [email protected] so we can submit it to […]

Registration Open – JPus Conference 2021

The Justice of the Peace Association is celebrating 20 years with our first virtual conference. This event will bring together keynote speakers, presentations and workshops in an informative and engaging format. We’re striving for a creative environment where civil officiants can re-imagine weddings, learn new skills, and nurture relationships with others through networking opportunities. Tickets Get your conference tickets here and take advantage of our early-bird pricing. This conference is for professional marriage officiants and Town Clerks. Early-bird registration is open until February 15th at 5:00 pm. At that time full-price registration and ticket sales will open until March 12, 2021 at […]

Bring back the real JPs!

Is the title “Justice of the Peace” destined to become a generic term for marriage officiant? Not so long ago, most states elected or appointed JPs whose primary duty was to perform marriages. Today many of those states have abolished that role and that official title. Justices of the Peace in Nevada, Texas, Florida and other southern and western states are primarily the lowest level of court justice for whom officiating at marriages is a subordinate (and happy) perk of the office. In some states, a law degree is a prerequisite; in others, not. The New England states are the […]

About Massachusetts JPs

Looking for a Massachusetts wedding officiant? Visit to learn more about Massachusetts wedding laws and to search for a Justice of the Peace. Are you a Massachusetts JP? See the state’s summary of duties for commissioned JPs Learn more about the benefits of a JPus membership. Becoming a JP In Massachusetts, a justice of the peace is appointed by the Governor for a seven year term and confirmed by the Governors Council. Each city/town is allowed one justice for every 5000 residents. In addition to affirming marriages, JPs may take affirmations, oaths, and depositions. Sometimes they may call meetings. Applications […]

JP Ceremonies ~ Meaningful with History

For many, the term Justice of the Peace (or JP or JOP) has become a catchall phrase on discussion forums, social media and blogs referring to any civil marriage officiant. “Going to the JP” means to hie oneself (or selves) to town hall for a quickie marriage. This is a disservice to the many Justices of the Peace. Especially, members of the Justice of the Peace Association. They are professional marriage officiants who customize beautiful and personal ceremonies. Beyond that, these pros guide their couples in every aspect of the wedding service. Professionals All Around In addition, members of the […]

Massachusetts JPs

Looking for a Massachusetts wedding officiant? Visit to learn more about Massachusetts wedding laws and to search for a Justice of the Peace. Becoming a JP In Massachusetts, a justice of the peace is appointed by the Governor for a seven year term and confirmed by the Governors Council. Each city/town is allowed one justice for every 5000 residents. In addition to affirming marriages, JPs may take affirmations, oaths, and depositions. Sometimes they may call meetings. Here is a summary of duties. Applications may be obtained from the Governor’s Council. Non-residents, including JPs from other states, can marry people in […]

Amateur Officiants

Online Officiants Online officiants are individuals who secure permission to solemnize marriages through the auspices of a religious organization, most often the Universal Life Church (ULC). Typically, they are lay people who fill out a form online so they can marry their friend or family member. Some use the authorization to circumvent JP rules which limit the number of civil officiants per town. There are no regulations or oversight to ensure compliance with state laws. Oftentimes the ULC ministers treat the legal act of marrying couples as frivolously as the ULC distributes certifications, invalidating marriages. Massachusetts’ One-Day Solemnizers The biggest […]

Who Should be Your Officiant: A JP or Your Best Friend

Friend officiating wedding ceremony

Your wedding:  imagine that magical moment when you say “I do” and your life changes forever. Who could be better than your best friend to join you in marriage? STOP.  Are you sure about that? In recent years, some states have relaxed the rules for who can officiate a wedding, authorizing almost anyone to be “officiant for a day.”  Fill out a one-page form, bring it to your town hall, give them a check, and voila! For one day, you’re official. From the government’s perspective, it’s an easy way to generate a little revenue. In Vermont, for $100 any adult can now […]

Conference 2021 – Sponsors & Exhibitors

Highlight your products and services with civil marriage officiants before, during and after the JPus 2021 virtual conference. The Justice of the Peace Association is celebrating 20 years with a virtual conference. This event will bring together professional marriage officiants and town and city clerks who are eager to learn more about their profession and hone their skills. In addition to Sponsoring, which gets your brand in front of our attendees, we will host opportunities for Exhibitors to connect with attendees in interactive booths. This is a unique opportunity to get in front of a very specific target audience. Join […]