Submit Testimony Supporting HB7510

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Register to speak in-person or by Zoom. Deadline to sign-up is 3PM Sunday. Three minute time limit. The speaker order is randomized and is released at 6PM on Sunday night.

Submit your written testimony here. The hearing is on March 10, 2025 at 10:30AM. Indicate that you SUPPORT HB7510.

Sample Letter to Legislators

Please customize to reflect your experience. Indented text prompts for customization.

Planning and Development Committee
March 10, 2025
Public Hearing on H.B. 7510, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace

Good Day, Senator Rahman, Representative Kavros DeGraw, Senator Gordon, Representative Zullo, and distinguished members of the Planning and Development Committee.

Introduce yourself, your hometown and your role as it relates to this bill (e.g. Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, member of a minor political party or unaffiliated elector, etc.). If you are a member of the Justice of the Peace Association, please state this, too.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify in support of H.B. 7150, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace.

Explain why this bill matters to you. A suggestion is to describe how you have experienced a problem with the current system (how JPs are appointed; lack of transferability between towns if you move; untrained JPs harming couples by making an error on their license or affecting the processing of marriage licenses or putting vulnerable populations (trafficking, forced marriage) at risk; unfair treatment of unaffiliated or minor political party voters; marriage fraud; etc.)

Performing marriages is a serious legal responsibility. This bill is an important step toward ensuring that we raise the bar on the quality of civil marriage officiants in Connecticut. Training for JPs would also enhance the services provided. This legislation also ensures that we are not discriminating against minor political parties or unaffiliated voters. I welcome the establishment of a task force to continue to explore how we can improve JP services in our state.

Add anything else that relates to your experience. If you are addressing minor political party or unaffiliated voter appointments, consider asking for the following:

  • Please also modify the language of the bill so Town Clerks may appoint unaffiliated and minor political party JP positions at any time, not only during the two periods outlined in the legislation.

In conclusion, I strongly urge the Planning and Development Committee to move H.B. 7150 forward. This bill will raise the qualifications for JPs, provide much-needed relief from some disparity affecting some JPs in the state, and it offers a roadmap to continue to make improvements.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your Name
Your town

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