Search Results for "FL-Florida/town/southern/Pompano-Beach"

Massachusetts JPs

Looking for a Massachusetts wedding officiant? Visit to learn more about Massachusetts wedding laws and to search for a Justice of the Peace. Becoming a JP In Massachusetts, a justice of the peace is appointed by the Governor for a seven year term and confirmed by the Governors Council. Each city/town is allowed one justice for every 5000 residents. In addition to affirming marriages, JPs may take affirmations, oaths, and depositions. Sometimes they may call meetings. Here is a summary of duties. Applications may be obtained from the Governor’s Council. Non-residents, including JPs from other states, can marry people in […]

JPs By State

About JPs by State: Connecticut JPs | Florida Notaries | Maine Notaries | Massachusetts JPs | New Hampshire JPs | Vermont JPs A Brief History of JPs Along with their meager possessions, the early English settlers brought to the new world a well-developed set of ideas about laws and justice. And though they sought freedom from an oppressive monarchy, they kept one of the king’s institutions: the Justice of the Peace. In the American colonies, every state had a Justice of the Peace system at one time or another, although specific duties varied from state to state, and still do. Since they […]


Updated May 7, 2021 The coronavirus pandemic brings uncertainty to wedding planning. FindaJP and all of our marriage officiants share the heart wrenching decisions facing loving couples in our communities and across the country. We understand your fear and anxiety. And, we share your desire to make sure that you and your loved ones are safe. It is About Love We encourage you to  remember that it is the love you have for each other that is most important. That is what your marriage is based on. The justices of the peace (and notaries in Maine and Florida) on findaJP […]

Amateur Officiants

Online Officiants Online officiants are individuals who secure permission to solemnize marriages through the auspices of a religious organization, most often the Universal Life Church (ULC). Typically, they are lay people who fill out a form online so they can marry their friend or family member. Some use the authorization to circumvent JP rules which limit the number of civil officiants per town. There are no regulations or oversight to ensure compliance with state laws. Oftentimes the ULC ministers treat the legal act of marrying couples as frivolously as the ULC distributes certifications, invalidating marriages. Massachusetts’ One-Day Solemnizers The biggest […]

One-Day Rule: The Problem

The Problem Justice of the Peace Association members have long decried the problem of the lay officiant. In Massachusetts the One-Day Solemnizer causes particular distress. Problems include: The state treats lay and professional officiants differently and unfairly, to the detriment of JPs. Municipal town clerks complain that as many as 90% of One-Day Solemnizers made significant legal errors, doubling the amount of work they had to do. One-Day Solemnizers compromise the integrity of the marriage license and are “loose with the law”. Couples who use a One-Day Solemnizer may unwittingly jeopardize the validity of their marriage because important paperwork isn’t […]

New Hampshire Networking 2019

Make new connections and nurture opportunities! Mix and Mingle with your fellow JPs and other stakeholders. New Location: We hope to see you in Manchester, New Hampshire for our Networking Event! Wednesday September 11, 2019 5:30-7:30 pm at the Portland Pie Company, Manchester. Getting together with our colleagues creates new opportunities and connections – and it’s fun! JPs, town clerks and other stakeholders are all invited to attend. This will be a terrific opportunity to meet and connect with our fellow officiants, municipal and state leaders on a social level. Let’s build upon our shared interests and find new ones. Getting to know some […]

Zoom – Favorite Traditions

On June 16, 2021, members of the Justice of the Peace Association took advantage of the opportunity to talk with each other and exchange points of view. Discussion Included Some ceremonies that were discussed included the traditional ring ceremony. And candle and wine box ceremonies. Members related enjoying processes that engage the couple. Sand ceremonies were a fav, especially if children are involved since it gives them a way to be included. How much time officiants spend creating a ceremony. (JPus polled members on Facebook in 2019 and 69% spent three or more hours for a simple, in-town wedding.) Incorporating extra […]

Member Testimonials

See what our members say about the JP Association … and then Join! Connecticut | Florida | Maine | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | Vermont

MA Call to Action – End Child Marriage

Updated 11/7/2021 If passed, S937 (Senator Harriette Chandler) and H1709 (Representative Kay Khan), would End Child Marriage in Massachusetts. Please call your Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support the legislation to #EndChildMarriage. You may use the script below for some guidance. Please look up your Legislators at Testifying to Committee Members Instructions to submit written or oral testimony to the Massachusetts Legislature when a hearing is scheduled Contacting Your Legislator Conducting a Successful Call Introduce yourself and what town you live in. The office will want to know your zip code to make sure you’re a constituent! If the Representative […]

Conference 2021 – Sponsors & Exhibitors

Highlight your products and services with civil marriage officiants before, during and after the JPus 2021 virtual conference. The Justice of the Peace Association is celebrating 20 years with a virtual conference. This event will bring together professional marriage officiants and town and city clerks who are eager to learn more about their profession and hone their skills. In addition to Sponsoring, which gets your brand in front of our attendees, we will host opportunities for Exhibitors to connect with attendees in interactive booths. This is a unique opportunity to get in front of a very specific target audience. Join […]

Become a Justice of the Peace in Connecticut

  The good news about becoming a JP in Connecticut is that there are no special requirements, no exams to take or fees to pay. Many people become a JP because they want to perform marriage ceremonies. They join the Justice of the Peace Association to receive professional development, network with other JPs, and get their profile listed on, where couples go to find their perfect officiant. How the Process Works People to Talk To  If you Belong to a Political Party If You are Unaffiliated The Process The state of Connecticut regulates the activities of JPs and determines how many […]

Justice of the Peace embosser

Give your marriage documents an official seal, or use this embosser when taking an acknowledgement. This pocket seal is light-weight and versatile yet rugged, engineered to produce higher pressure with minimal effort. It is designed for travel. The 2″ die is personalized with your Name, Town and State around the circumference and  “Justice of the Peace” in the center.