Member Support

Articles to improve your JPus experience and maximize the power of your membership

Month: September 2021

Website Q&A

Below we have some frequently asked questions - and answers! Please know that your JP Dashboard’s landing page describes each function offered. In addition, in-depth Dashboard Navigation help is available. Our detailed member support articles are also available to help with different aspects of the JPus/findaJP website. Following are some questions that members have asked and our replies. We share them here to help you in case you get stuck. Logging In Q: How do I log into the website? A: Click the login button at the top right corner of either or and then enter your email . . .

Membership Renewals

If your membership is currently active, please follow the instructions for Active Memberships. If your membership lapsed, then please follow the Expired Memberships. Active Memberships Login to From your Dashboard go to Manage Membership To Renew the same plan: click Renew Now If you would like to Upgrade, then scroll down (Under Subscription Totals) and click Upgrade To Renew & Upgrade Your Membership plan:  First, renew your membership subscription and then change plans. See the Change Membership Plan instructions below for details. To Renew & Downgrade Your Membership plan:  Please contact JPus at [email protected] and advise what membership level . . .