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1-Day Solemnizer Hearing Scheduled

Hearing on October 1st

The Massachusetts Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight scheduled its hearing on the Resolve providing for an investigation and study by special commission relative to the one-day solemnizer rule (Resolve S1831) for Tuesday, October 1, 2019 between 1:00-3:00. This is exciting news! JPus was instrumental in bringing this bill forward: writing a white paper about the rule and working with Senator Julian Cyr, the bill’s sponsor.
JPus’ Loretta Jay will join Senator Cyr and testify in support of the bill. Massachusetts JPs are encouraged to contact members of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight and encourage them to vote in support of the bill, and to also testify in person. See the bill here and follow its progress through the legislature. Read more about the problems related to the 1-Day Rule. Stay tuned for additional guidance on getting involved.

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