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Testify in Support of CT JP Bill – 3/10/2025

Sign-up to speak or submit written testimony in Support of HB7150

HB7150, An Act Concerning Justices of the Peace

The Justice of the Peace Association worked with the state legislators who introduced the bill, along with Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas on the language of the bill. This is the critical bill to address problems Connecticut JPs have reported:

  • Establishing training and qualifications for JPs. The bill requires JPs to pass a test following their appointment. Training may be implemented, too.
  • Inability to transfer JP appointments between municipalities. This will be addressed through a working group tasked with examining issues related to JPs.
  • Favoritism and discrimination by DTCs and RTC impeding the appointment process. This will also be explored through the working group.
  • Disparity toward unaffiliated and minor political party voters. The bill is a step in the right direction, creating a second window for non-major political party JPs to be appointed. JPus encourages testimony to support these vacant JP positions being filled at any time, not only during the two periods outlined in the legislation.
  • Unbefitting JPs that make more work for town clerks and give professional JPs a bad name. This bill defines misconduct and establishes consequences for such behavior.

See the key points and the bill with highlighted language that relates to JPs who perform marriages.

Zoom Q&A, Two Sessions Scheduled Sunday: 9AM or 6PM

Questions? Join JPus’ Managing Member Loretta Jay on Sunday, March 9, 20025 at either 9AM or 6PM for more information about the proposed bill, guidance on how to submit written testimony and how to testify in person or by Zoom. Members and non-members are welcome.

  • If you are on JPus’ email distribution list, please check your email for the Zoom links.
  • If you don’t receive our emails yet, you can sign up here. A reminder will be sent on Sunday at 6AM with the link. If you missed that deadline, please email [email protected] to receive the Zoom links.

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